Beyond Reasonable Drought Roadshow

Farmers from the Hawkes Bay, East Coast, Bay of Plenty and Taupo will have an opportunity in February to meet and learn from inspirational Marlborough farmer Doug Avery, who moved his family farm from ‘beyond reasonable drought’ by making some radical changes to how the farm operated.

In 1998 after successive and prolonged droughts Doug had just about given up trying to make a living off his 1500 hectare Marlborough property.  Tired, disillusioned, depressed and at his wits end, Doug had almost given up on Bonaveree, the property that had been in his family since 1919.

In his desperation, Doug attended a seminar about Lucerne presented by Dr Derrick Moot. According to Doug that one hour presentation was "probably the most valuable hour of my life".  That hour transformed the Avery family’s future better than Doug could ever have imagined. Today Bonaveree, is a model of how to successfully farm with conditions as opposed to against them.

Every year the Avery family’s farm production and profitability curve continues to trend upwards. Bonaveree is a resounding commercial and sustainable farming success story.  The "Beyond Reasonable Drought Roadshow" is an initiative to get Doug Avery in front of as many people as possible so they too can see how they can move their business forward profitably and sustainably with new ideas, new tools and a new attitude.

Doug’s two hour presentation cannot be missed by any person who knows they need to change but does not know how to. Let Doug’s presentation change your life for good!

Business Results Group are delighted to be able to host Doug Avery and the Beyond Reasonable Drought show in Te Puke where he will share with us his success story.


Date & Time: Wednesday 12th February 2014 at 7.30pm

Location: The Orchard, 20 MacLoughlin Drive, Te Puke


Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend this free event. Please pass on to colleagues and associates who you think may also be interested in attending.                                                           

Contact Ange Ellison at Business Results Group on 07 573 5569 or via email [email protected] to register for this free event by Friday the 7th February 2014


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